UK Data Loader to replace ProductivitySuite

As we announced in a previous blog post the UK Data Loader is replacing the OS Data Loading tools currently provided within ProductivitySuite, and we have since announced the retirement of ProductivitySuite at the end of 2019.

From the 1st January 2019 all maintenance renewals of ProductivitySuite will be replaced by a subscription for the UK Data Loader and a licence for the ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability Extension.  The cost for a single use licence will be similar to what you were paying for a single use licence for ProductivitySuite.  There will be no site licences for the UK Data Loader but concurrent licencing is available.

Many of our customers are already using the UK Data Loader and if you would like access, ahead of your renewal, please email or contact your Customer Success Manager.   If ProductivitySuite is part of your ELA, we will switch this to the UK Data Loader and ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability Extension at your ELA renewal, but you are entitled to access to the new tools beforehand and can request this through the email above.

The UK Data Loader currently supports:

  • OS MasterMap Highways Network (the replacement of OS MasterMap ITN which is being retired at the end of April 2019)

  • OS MasterMap Topography Layer, including change only updates

We will shortly be releasing a new version of the UK Data Loader which will add support for:

  • OS VectorMap Local – enhanced product due for release later this month.

Please note: for OS Vector Map Local we will only be supporting data loading from the newly available GeoPackage format.   We recommend you amend your OS Order to request the data in this new format if you want to be able to continue processing this data. 

We will be adding support for OS AddressBase by the end of 2018.

Customers licenced for the UK Data Loader will be entitled to use ProductivitySuite in parallel and we will continue to support ProductivitySuite until the end of 2019.   However, if you want to load the OS MasterMap Highways Network or the OS VectorMap Local (from the October release) you will need to migrate to the UK Data Loader and ArcGIS Pro.

If you have any questions or want access to the UK Data Loader please email