The “New” UK Local Government Solution for ArcGIS

In 2014, we launched a new solution for UK Local Government and announced a migration path for our LocalView Fusion customers.  Since then, we have been working hard on the technical capability of the new solution and to understand what our customers require to support their migration.

As we expected, customers have very varied priorities and technical environments.  Through talking to you, and from our experience implementing the new solution, we have developed our understanding and have now established a process for assessing your needs in terms of technology, deployment models, implementation services and knowledge transfer.

In the coming weeks, each LocalView Fusion customer will be contacted by their customer success manager. The purpose of the contact will be to establish each customers’ individual requirements and in turn to provide a quotation for migrating to the new solution.

The new solution will be deployed on v10.3 of Esri’s platform. To support dual running of the new solution and LocalView Fusion, we have taken the time to certify LocalView Fusion against ArcGIS for Server 10.3 so that you will be able to upgrade your server environment to 10.3 and continue to operate LocalView at the latest version as you migrate over your applications.