LocalView Fusion 4.2 - July release
/We are pleased to announce a hotfix release of LocalView Fusion 4.2 to address a small number of critical issues affecting Radar Platform, MyLocation, WebPublisher and the Feed Fragment.
We have changed feeds so that it is now optional to return the geometry within a feed. This provides better performance if you do not need the map coordinates to be returned by the feed. This change impacts the Radar Platform, MyLocation and WebPublisher templates and the Feed fragment.
We have also fixed a small number of issues in the Radar Platform and WebPublisher. Please refer to the Release Notes (on the right hand side of this blog) for further details for these fixes.
All other templates have been re-released against the platform, but are otherwise unchanged.
Upgrading to this new release from earlier versions of LocalView Fusion 4.2 is not mandatory. We suggest you only install this release if you have been affected by any of the issues that are now fixed.
Upgrades to this release are supported from version 4.0 or above. Details of the upgrade paths can be found in the Product Lifecyce document.
The new release is available now on our FTP site::
FTP Location: https://download.esriuk.com
Username: Lvfusion
The password will be sent shortly to all our maintenance paying customers, however, it is available on request from support@esriuk.com if you have not received it.
The online environment was upgraded to this release on the evening of Monday 15th July 2013.