Online Usage Reports
/Some of you have been experiencing issues with the usage reporting within LocalView Fusion online. Thanks to those of you who raised these with Esri UK Support.
Our investigations have shown that the issue is caused by the volume of usage data that we have on our online environment. The issue affects the usage reports available for both applications and content within LocalView Fusion, and it manifests itself as no report being returned, and the request for a report eventually timing out.
As a temporary measure while we investigate this issue, we have truncated the data, so that we only hold the current month and the last full calendar month of data on our online environment. The impact of this is that you are only able to view accurate online usage for the options of Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Month to date and the Previous month. Whilst you can still request usage reports for previous months within the user interface, these will not provide accurate results as they will indicate no usage.
The usage data has not been deleted, just temporarily removed from the online environment. If you urgently require usage reports on specific items of content or applications for previous months, please contact your Customer Success Manager as we can provide these from our internal reporting system which retains the full usage history.