2017-20 Esri Chest Agreement

The 2017-20 Chest Esri Agreement is a little different to previous ones. The new licence agreement provides access to the majority of core components of the Esri platform with the options controlling the number of users that can have access. The table below summarises the user allocation for each licence option.

 2017-2020 Chest Options

 2017-2020 Chest Options

Essentially, your university has a "pool" of user and it can provide them access to a range of core Esri products such as:

  • ArcGIS Online - including Survey123 / Collector
  • ArcGIS Desktop - ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro
  • CityEngine
  • Esri E-Learning 

You can check which licence option your university is on using this map.<INSERT MAP> 

Managing your Licenses

As Esri transitions it's users to the new Named User licence model there are multiple ways to provide end users with access to Esri software.  The table below summarises the different option licencing models available.


The number of licences deployed by a university should not exceed the allocation of the licence option they are on.  For example, if a university were on Option B they would have 1000 licences to deploy.  The following may be an acceptable approach.

  • EFL (CU) – 800 licences deployed across open access machines and roaming desktop profiles

  • ESU (SU) – 100 Licences deployed to staff members machines

  • EVA – 100 Licences to be given to students to enable them to run ArcMap on their own laptop without having to connect to university network

It is important that you do not exceed the user quote associated with your licence option.

Named Users

Named Users will become the licensing method for all core Esri products.  At the moment we would hope that any Esri user in your university is provided with a Named User identity so that they can access ArcGIS Online and apps such as Survey 123.   Named users are managed through  ArcGIS Online and there will be a blog post on how best to manage named Users soon.