UK Data Loader v5 supports creating Locators

The latest version of the UK Data Loader supports the creation of ArcGIS Locators from AddressBase Premium data.

UK Data Loader v5 can be used to create locators for local use. In addition, if you have ArcGIS Enterprise you can also publish and host these locators for use within your organisation’s Portal or ArcGIS Online.

More information about locators and their use in the ArcGIS platform can be found in the ArcGIS Help.

We have also published this UKDL online help aimed at helping you understand AddressBase Premium data, the locators that will be created by the tools, and how they can be used.

We are actively seeking feedback on your experiences with locators to drive our roadmap in the future. So please let us know your thoughts and ideas by emailing or contacting your Customer Success Manager.