Are you looking to manage your Smart Meter roll out as efficiently as possible?

Are you looking to manage your Smart Meter roll out as efficiently as possible?

Location has a critical role to play in your Smart Meter roll out. For example, you will want to prioritise areas which are most likely to result in a successful roll out, taking into account factors from property type and age to customer preferences and transport infrastructure. You’ll need to factor in where there are low income or vulnerable households and there will be a number of regulatory obligations that must be met. Once you have identified the priority areas you’ll need to route your engineers effectively to complete the work...

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How can Housing Associations realise strategic goals with GIS?

How can Housing Associations realise strategic goals with GIS?

There is a lot of talk about how a Geographic Intelligence System (GIS) can enable housing associations to improve tenant services, boost efficiency and streamline asset management – as well as meeting regulatory requirements.

If you’re starting out with GIS in housing or thinking about extending your use of this technology then the question has to be how easy is it to get started and ultimately how easy is it to realise your strategic goals for a successful roll out?

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