Sweet for ArcGIS Licencing

From 14th October 2020 Sweet for ArcGIS will be available from the ArcGIS Marketplace. This means there are some licensing changes for existing customers.

ArcGIS Online

If you access Sweet using ArcGIS Online, you will need to migrate your applications to the new version, and assign licences for users to access Sweet and your apps.

  1. Sign in with your ArcGIS Online account (you must use your organisation's Administrator account or one with purchasing privileges)

  2. Go to the listing for Sweet for ArcGIS Online on ArcGIS Marketplace

  3. Choose Purchase Request

  4. Fill in the form

  5. Once submitted, we will set up your access to match the number of users in your organisation, and the expiry date will be set to be the date of your renewal

  6. You will receive an confirmation email when access is granted

  7. From ArcGIS Online you can then assign licences to named users by going to Licenses in the Organisation tab

  8. Once a licence is assigned, users will be able to access the new version of Sweet

You will need to migrate all Sweet for ArcGIS Online (Unlicensed) apps to the new version of Sweet for ArcGIS before the 31st January 2021. At that time, we will be retiring Sweet for ArcGIS Online (Unlicensed) and any apps created in this environment will no longer be accessible. If you use Sweet Classic, please contact Esri UK for dates of retirement. See our blog article which details how you can migrate apps between versions of Sweet for ArcGIS.

ArcGIS Enterprise

The Application Licensing Hub is also being made available through Marketplace, which controls software download and licencing for Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise. The benefit here is that all future releases will be available to download from here as soon as they are released along with any future hotfixes.

  1. Sign in with your ArcGIS Online account (you must use your organisation's Administrator account or one with purchasing privileges).

  2. Go to the listing for Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise on ArcGIS Marketplace

  3. Choose Purchase Request

  4. Fill in the form

  5. Once submitted, we will set up your access to match the number of users in your organisation, and the expiry date will be set to be the date of your renewal

  6. You will receive an confirmation email when access is granted

  7. In ArcGIS Online, from Licenses in the Organisation tab find the Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise app and click Manage. Assign a licence to the named user who will be will be downloading Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise and generating licencing files. The named user will then be able to access the Application Licencing Hub (see image below) from the app launcher in ArcGIS Online by selecting Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise or going to the Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise Marketplace listing.

  8. Once the app is downloaded follow these instructions for installing Sweet for ArcGIS Enterprise.

Application licencing hub for sweet for arcgis enterprise

If you have any difficulty or queries on the above please contact technical support.