CrimeAnalyst Roadmap

We would like to update our customers on the roadmap for CrimeAnalyst, which is an Esri UK product and an extension to ArcMap.  This roadmap has been set taking into consideration both Esri Inc’s lifecycle for ArcMap and their recent release of the Crime Analysis solution template which is an Add-In for ArcGIS Pro (see below).

Esri UK plan to retire CrimeAnalyst and recommend that customers migrate to the Crime Analysis solution template as they migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro.  We plan to provide support until at least the end of 2020 to provide customers time to plan their migration.  We will continue to review this retirement date based on feedback from the customer community and the lifecycle for ArcMap.

The Product Lifecycle for CrimeAnalyst can be found here.

The current release of CrimeAnalyst is 2.6 R2 and is certified for use with ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 with the ArcGIS Desktop Buffer Wizard Patch

Pro Add-In for Crime Analysis

Esri Inc have released a solution template called Crime Analysis, which is an Add-In to ArcGIS Pro and is free of charge.  You can find out more about it here and you can find the solution itself here.  Esri UK worked closely with Esri Inc on the requirements for this solution with a view to it providing a replacement for CrimeAnalyst when customers migrate to ArcGIS Pro.  You can find out more about the solution in our blog.